- XML declaration header must not be defined.
- Files must be placed in folder "/mod/MODULE/sys".
- Modules must be referred to as &mod=[MODULE]&tab=[Filename without xml-Extension].
- AJAX module templates do not depend on a page/master template.
- Files in sys-Folders cannot directly be accessed without a valid session that belongs to a usergroup with access.
- All of the following tags may occur 0-n times.
Javascript to be executed immediately (cannot be cached)
... javascript code ...
Javascript to be loaded from file
<js id="UNIQUE SCRIPT ID" cache="no|yes"><![CDATA[URL]]></js>
Javascript to be loaded inline
<js id="UNIQUE SCRIPT ID" type="inline" cache="no|yes"><![CDATA[
... javascript code ...
Stylesheet to be loaded from file
<css id="UNIQUE STYLE ID" cache="no|yes"><![CDATA[URL]]></css>
Stylesheet to be loaded inline
<css id="UNIQUE STYLE ID" type="inline" cache="no|yes"><![CDATA[
... css code ...