We can offer a quiet extensive set of APIs.

Highlights that our solution includes:
  • KeyPass generator for commissioning. The user has to generate the private key with the one-time valid KeyPass himself. This way the KeyPass can be distributed via email, misuse would be noticed immediately.
  • Optional multi-level authentication procedure. With an additional hashed private key, higher rights can be aquired.
  • API management with qualification of users (red light for load offenders).
  • Configurable latency penalty to slow down load offenders.
  • Integrated IP blacklisting.
  • Support for compression with gzip, deflate and compress.
  • Support for caching with If-Modified-Since (GET) and ETag (PUT/POST).
  • API Emulator for testing via Browser, including Configurator for test cases.
  • Proven high load tolerance. 100 K Sensors attached? This API will not be your bottleneck.


A classic API with endpoints for reading/writing structured data.


Endpoint for execution of SQL-Queries transmitted via HTTP.

If you know the structure of the database and don't have to be considerate about business logic (eg is the case for system updates), this is the way to go. Beats every other solution.

Queries should be hashed with a separate PrivatKey.

Legacy API

Endpoint for structured data that is transmitted as is and therefore not compatible with any regular API. The parsing/evaluation of the data takes place on the server side.

This is an effective way to reduce implementation cost and technical complexity for clients of an API. But of course, it means more implementation cost on the server side - someone or something must map the data and that is better not just a good guess.
Optional: Legacy API Client (Java)
Executable JAR for client-side monitoring of directories. Only changed files are transmitted to the Legacy API.

Rock solid. Runs forever. Configuration free. Can be configured/compiled via Browser.

Binary API

Endpoint to write binary data to the filesystem of the server.

This is an FTP replacement for HTTP-based write access.

Very low memory consumption even for large files, since the delivered data is streamed into a temporary file.

Only after successful update the target file will be replaced, so if the target file already exists, it remains intact during the update (very important for files on high frequency servers).

Permissions can be restricted to specific directory paths.

Satellite API

If you have to operate systems on-premises, there may arise the need to synchronize them with the core system (e.g. if you have a platform that accumulates data on a national scale).

As all instances have an API, bidirectional updates can be done without any polling.

It needs to be defined who is master of which data to properly configure the information flow.

Remote API

REST API, installed on the server of a partner or if you want to move parts of your system (eg media- or tileserver) to another server/domain.

Webserver with PHP-support is mandatory, MariaDB or MySQL may be needed.

No out-of-the-box solution, local system connections are required.

This is an effective and cost efficient solution if you have problems getting your systems connected to the Internet - e.g. if your ERP just doesn't have a viable solution or if you are looking for a solution to scale your system with minimum additional complexity.

Proxy API

Endpoint to fetch binary data from the filesystem of a third party system.

The API monitors directories and delivers only files that have been modified.

This API is installed on the customers server. No database needed. Access via HTTS-Port 443 required (IP-binding recommended).
Optional: Proxy API Client (Java)
Executable JAR for fetching (binary) files via HTTP from a server (does not necessarily have to be an API).

Edge Computing API

Edge computing APIs can be implemented by anyone, the communication solution must just make them acessible via public IP.

We have experience with API implementations on Netmodule Gateways using Arena scripting language.