
site-p-former is a highly modular and multi-tenant web application framework (template parser, based on PHP) from our own development, which has already proven itself in practice for almost 20 years.

Maximum flexibility

site-p-former knows no system-related restrictions regarding functionality or design of the user interface. Multiple themes/brandings are also possible without any problems.

A highly flexible authorization system allows the (delegable) assignment of authorizations to user groups, but also to individual users on the level of clients, modules, data sets and attributes.

Maximum security / Zero Trust concept

Passwords are hashed and individually salted, if necessary also "peppered".

The highly sensitive integrated intrusion detection reliably fends off reverse dictionary attacks, without ever permanently locking out users.

An integral two-factor authentication with Webauthn (hardware tokens, fingerprint sensors) and/or TAN (e-mail, SMS) rounds off the security package. Any number of security features can be stored.

Maximum performance / real-time capable

Through the consistent use of AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), user interfaces can be designed in any modular way thinkable and are therefore correspondingly performant.

By means of a websocket server, the user interface can be manipulated from the server almost in real time via "server initiated AJAX push".

Maximum stability

The application itself is not an independently executable program and therefore cannot "crash".

We use a JAR application (Java) as the heartbeat, which communicates with the system exclusively via API and never sees any content. Such job servers can be configured and compiled via browser and operated redundantly at any location.

Maximum cost efficiency

site-p-former is characterized in particular by the fact that applications can be implemented extremely cost-efficient and within a very short time.

Due to the architecture, no serious side effects can creep in, which also keeps the costs for testing new components/modules to a minimum.

And last, but not least, our WebIDE allows for maximum efficiency of the implementation process.

High portability and minimal operating costs

A standardized LAMP stack is sufficient as infrastructure and can be completely managed by any hosting provider.

API ready

Functionality that the system cannot cover directly (e.g. SMS dispatch) can easily be integrated via third-party API solutions.

The system itself can also provide APIs to remotely control the implemented solutions or just to provide content to data recipients.

100% Swiss Made

No third-party components are used. This way we can guarantee that we can offer a quick solution in case of any problems.

Open Source

site-p-former is open source. This means that you have full access to all source code at any time if required.

Ownership of application-specific code is transferred to the customer within the framework of contractual agreements.